The Church in Iowa City


“Upon this rock [the revelation of Jesus Christ] I will build My church” (Matt. 16:18b). In the summer of 1975, the Lord arranged to show some brothers in Iowa City His heart's desire concerning the church, according to the revelation in Matthew 16. By the beginning of 1976 it was evident that the “old wineskins” of our old religious rituals and formality were not able to hold the “new wine” of the enjoyment and experience of this new life of Christ (Matthew 9:17). So what started out as a prayer-support group became a group of brothers and sisters wanting to co-operate with the Lord for His heart's desire—the church.

Our first meetings began in a farmhouse, and as other seekers heard, they came to see and enjoy this fresh revelation. We became very familiar with the road to Chicago by going to visit the local church there and participating in church conferences. Some from Chicago began to know the road to Iowa City as well by visiting the church here.

We enjoyed standing for the Lord as His Body where we were, outside of Iowa City, but as time went on, Iowa City was where our prayer and the Lord's burden seemed to be. When some sisters in the Lord who were living in Iowa City opened their home for a prayer meeting, and a brother in the Lord with his family moved to Iowa City, we started taking the Lord's table (1 Corinthians 10:21) and meeting as the church in Iowa City.

As the Lord added to the church, we remodeled the brother's garage into our meeting place and met there for quite a few years. This gathering place became a sweet remembrance to the many students who passed through our meetings.

The church now meets at 2040 Keokuk St. and in the homes of the other brothers and sisters. By the co-laboring of the Body, we remodeled our present meeting place. Within the last year, the Lord has given us two families to stand with us as pillars. Our desire is to enlarge the Lord's testimony in this city and to see many more churches raised up in this part of the country. Our prayer and hope is to give Him our full cooperation to care for His heart's desire that He could have the church, His bride, for His satisfaction.

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